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Fiancé wa Monster!?
フィアンセはモンスター!? / Fiancé wa Monster !? / My Fiancé is a Monster!?
hanamori pink
KaKuSho Balagangan
tdfthole / stkaboom / darkmaster-aviv
Infinite Stratos - BOOST ON!! (Doujinshi)
Infinite Stratos dj - BOOST ON!! / IS dj - BOOST ON!!
eter-win (circle) / asaeda itsuki
Infinite Stratos - HYPER∞XTREME (Doujinshi)
Infinite Stratos dj - Hyper Extreme / Infinite Stratos dj - HYPER∞XTREME / IS dj - Hyper Xtreme / IS dj - HYPER∞XTREME
enikaitamochi (circle) / 板餅
Carramer no Yumemonogatari
1. Crowns and a Cradle (TAKAYAMA Mayu) / 2. The Baron and the Bodyguard (MINATO Yoriko) / 3. The Marquis and the Mother-To-Be (TSUJI Rikako) / Koi wo Was
valerie parv / minato yoriko / takayama mayu / tsuji rikako
Flower (WADA Naoko)
フラワー (WADA Naoko) / Flower~フラワー~ / Flower~花~
wada naoko
Infinite Stratos - Straight Lovers (Doujinshi)
Infinite Stratos dj - Straight Lovers
eter-win (circle) / asaeda itsuki
Infinite Stratos - SUPER∞XTREME (Doujinshi)
Infinite Stratos dj - Super Xtreme / Infinite Stratos dj - SUPER∞XTREME / IS dj - Super Xtreme / IS dj - SUPER∞XTREME
enikaitamochi (circle) / 板餅
Flower Flower
ふらわー ふらわー / 花戀花 / flower*flower
iwami shouko
Yuri(GL),Comedy,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Historical,Slice of Life
Knight Flyer
Knight Flyer~東京魔法陣~ / Knight Flyer~Tokyo Mahoujin~
omishi rei
Shoujo(G),Action,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Knight Princess
Qi Shi Gong Zhu / 騎士公主 / 骑士公主 / Cavalier Princess / Kị sĩ công chúa / Prinsesse Ridder(Norwegian) / Công chúa vệ sĩ
cen xiao jing
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Historical,Romance
Eureka Seven AO ~Save A Prayer~
Eureka Seven AO - Save A Prayer
bones / fudou ran
イゾラバ! / Izo Love / Izo's Lover! / Izoraba
oonishi mioko
Fortune Arterial - Character's Prelude
フォーチュン アテリアル —キャラクタース プレリュード— / Fortune Arterial Character' / s Prelude
august soft / sasaki akane
Shounen(B),Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,School Life
Kiken Mania
キケンマニア / 危险MANIA / Danger-MANIA / Dangerous Mania / Finding True Love / Kiken Mania Prologue
nanajima kana
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Koukaku Kidoutai 1.5: Human-Error Processor
Призрак в доспехах 1.5 / 攻殻機動隊1.5HUMAN ERROR PROCESSER / Ghost in the Shell 1.5 / Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor
shirow masamune
Eureka Seven AO - Save A Prayer
Eureka Seven AO ~Save A Prayer~
bones / fudou ran
L-size Little Sister
Eru-Eru Sister / L-Size Little Sister / ?????????
Yuri(GL),Comedy,School Life,Shoujo ai
Kindan Wedding
禁断婚 / 禁忌的婚姻 / Forbidden Marriage / Forbidden Wedding / Lover' / s Textbook / The Proper Steps to a Wedding
kurumatani haruko
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Knight Flyer
Knight Flyer~東京魔法陣~ / Knight Flyer~Tokyo Mahoujin~
omishi rei
Shoujo(G),Action,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Fate/hollow ataraxia - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE (Doujinshi)
Fate hollow ataraxia dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate stay night dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/hollow ataraxia dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/hollow ataraxia dj - Plus-ko - Shirouko and Archer + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/stay night dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/stay night dj - Plus-ko - Shirouko and Archer + Archerko OMAKE
limit break (circle) / himura kiseki
Doujinshi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Shoujo ai
Knight Princess
Qi Shi Gong Zhu / 騎士公主 / 骑士公主 / Cavalier Princess / Kị sĩ công chúa / Prinsesse Ridder(Norwegian) / Công chúa vệ sĩ
cen xiao jing / tsen shiau-jing
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Historical,Romance
Ko akuma Cafe
小悪魔カフェ / Café Diabólico, Amor Agridulce (Spanish) / Ko Akuma Cafe / Little Devil Cafe / Petit Devil Cafe / Playboy café (French) / SweetxBitter=love
oda aya
Alisa of the Silver Hair
Alisa with Silver Hair / Silver-Haired Alisa / Giniro no Kami no Arisa / Gin\\\'iro no Kami no Arisa
wada, shinji (story & art)
Full House II
풀하우스2부 (엘리와 라이더의 새로운 이야기) / Full House 2 / Full House 2: Ally & / Ryder' / s Second Story
woon soo-yeon
KaKuSho Balagangan
tdfthole / stkaboom / darkmaster-aviv
Koibito no Namae
The Direction of Love / Double Lover / DOUBLE LOVER~恋人のなまえ~
yamakami riyu