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🇮🇩Kyunwoo dan Sang Dewi (Official)
Gyeonwoo and Fairy / Gyeonwoo and the Fairy / Gyeonwoo and the Priestess / Kyunwoo Dan Sang Dewi / The Cowherd and the Fairy / Пастух и фея / 牵牛和仙女 / 견우와 선녀
Ahn Su Min
🇮🇩i'm a dotting father
I'm a dotting father, i'm become a fool when it comes to my daughter
Kiwoo / SAYAN
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Comedy,Kids,Slice of Life
Black God
黒神 / 흑신 / Black God / Heuk Shin / Kurogami / Kurokami / Kuro Kami / Dumnezeul negru (Romanian) / Черен бог (Bulgarian)
lim dall-young / park sung woo
My Daughter is a Dragon! / 내 딸은 드래곤! / Anakku ternyata naga!
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Kids
🇮🇩HANA HARU [Official]
Days of Hana / Hana Haru / Hana's Haru / Les jours d'Hana / One Day (Seok Woo) / أيام هانا / ฮารุของฮานะ / 狼族少年(郑昔佑) / 하나의 하루
Seok Woo
🇰🇷Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Gyeonwoo and the Priestess
Gyeonwoowa Seonnyeo / The Cowherd and the Fairy / Gyeonwoo and the Fairy / Kyunwoo Dan Sang Dewi / 견우와 선녀
안수민 / Ahn Sumin
🇰🇷Comedy,Ghosts,Mystery,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Today With You
Today I Live with You / Today Living with You / 너와 사는 오늘
Woo ji hye / Dur
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Office Workers,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Yuri's Palace (Official)
Castle of Glass / El palacio de Yuri / Glass Castle / Her Castle / Le palais de l'impératrice yuri / 太陽の城 / 琉璃之城 / 유리의 성
Cinna / Dawoo / Haewon / Underk
Yuri's Palace
Glass Castle / Her Castle / Le palais de l'impératrice yuri / 太陽の城 / 琉璃之城 / 유리의 성
Cinna / Dawoo / Haewon / Underk
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Drama,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Royal family
🇹🇷Id - The Greatest Fusion Fantasy
Id / Id: The Greatest Fusion Fantasy / 이드 / The Greatest Fusion Fantasy
kenny a.t. / kim daewoo
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Romance
The First Hunter
최초의 헌터 / 末世英雄传说
D-DART / Jeon Chan Wook
🇰🇷Shounen(B),Mature,Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Horror,Magic,Martial Arts,Military,Super Power,Supernatural,Tragedy
🇮🇩I Become a Fool When It Comes to My Daughter
딸 바보가 되었습니다, I'm a Dotting Father
Kiwoo / SAYAN
🇰🇷Manhwa,Comedy,Drama,Kids,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Rangkaian Nada Kayu Mati [ DROP ]
Melody of the Deadwood
🇰🇷Comic,Manhwa,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Kids,Magic,Mystery,Psychological,Romance
🇮🇩Kalau kalian nonton drama kim dami sama choi wooshik wajib baca ini woi!
That Year We Were / Us That Year / Our Beloved Summer
Kyoungchal Han
🇰🇷Webtoon,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Black God
黒神 / Kurokami
im dal-young / park sung-woo
Seinen(M),Action,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts,Romance,Supernatural
Marjorie M. Liu / Sana Takeda (Illustrator), Rus Wooton (Letterer)
🇧🇷Naughty Little Secret
Segredinho travesso
Hwang Gunjuk / Woowong Panda
🇬🇧Manhwa,Webtoon,Adult,Drama,Office Workers,Romance
17 Years Old, That Summer Day's Miracle
17살, 그 여름날의 기적
seok woo
Shounen(B),Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
🇮🇩jauh dari prajurit
무사만리행 / long way of the warrior / jauh dari prajurit
Woon/Bae Min-gi
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Action,Fantasy,Martial Arts
🇮🇩Putra Bungsu dari Keluarga Mage
Youngest Scion of the Mages / Youngest Son of the Renowned Magic Clan / 마법명가 막내아들
Bichyu / Shin Gun Woo
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Royal family,Transmigration
🇮🇩the flower dance and the wind song S2
꽃은 춤추고 바람은 노래한다 / Танец цветов и песнь ветра / Цветы танцуют и ветер поет / THE FLOWER DANCES AND THE WIND SINGS
Lanella / sang hang / Woomoon
🇮🇩Today Living You
Today Living You / 너와 사는 오늘
Woo ji hye / Dur
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Office Workers,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
A Returner's Magic Should Be Special
Gwihwanjaui Mabeobeun Teukbyeolhaeya Hamnida / Магия вернувшегося должна быть особенной / 帰還者の魔法は特別です / 귀환자의 마법은 특별해야 합니다 / ARMSBS / RM / ARM
Jeon Sun-Wook / Yoo So-Nan
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Reincarnation,School Life,Slice of Life
🇫🇷Switch Boys
HADAMWOO / 500M Under the Sea / Yeo Dat / MR BLUE
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (Official)
Avvocata Woo / Nữ luật sư kỳ lạ Woo Young Woo / Uma Advogada Extraordinária / Woo, una abogada extraordinaria / Надзвичайна юристка У / Необычный адвокат У Ён У / הפרקליטה וו / لمحامية الغريبة يونغ وو / وکیل عجیب وو یونگ وو / อูยองอู ทนายอัจฉริยะ [Extraordinary Attorney Woo] / ウ・ヨンウ弁護士は天才肌 / 異常한辯護士禹英禑 / 非常律师禹英禑 / 非常律師禹英禑 / 이상한 변호사 우영우
Moon Ji-won / Yuil / Hwa Um-jo / Lee Ye-ji
🇮🇩The Magic Genius of the Marquis [Kofi Scans]
The Magic Genius of the Marquis House / The Marquis' Magic Genius / The Marquis's Family Magical Genius / 후작가의 마법 천재 / Jenius Sihir dari Keluarga Marquis / Penyihir Jenius dari Keluarga Marquis
Keyboard Manse / Ki Sung-Wook Nam Sa-Rang / ini 이니
Ane Naru Mono
姉なるもの / 恶魔姐姐 / The Demon Who Became My Sister / The Sister of the Woods with a Thousand Young
iida pochi. / ane naru mono 33
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
🇫🇷Ane Naru Mono
Ane Naru Mono / 姉なるもの / The Devil is my Sister / The Sister of the Woods with a Thousand Young / 恶魔姐姐
iida pochi.